Where in the world did the word martingale come from?

Solving the Mystery:

The Aiding Amateur has set out to discover the origin of some not so obvious barn-lingo. The first stop on this grand quest is to explore the small leather strap that keeps your (and my) horses from going around the ring like inverted giraffes. Whether of the standing or running variety, we know that this piece of tack is a must have in the barn. You’ve probably said the word a ba-jillion times, and never stopped to consider where it got its goofy name, but we’re here to explain!

For you entertainment, we have asked non-horsey friends to define this term. Our responses are full of creativity and hilarity:

  • martingale: n. a small bird with a high-pitched, song-like chirp.
  • Martingale: N. (pronounced: Martin Ale) A fine international (or rather, intergalactic) pale ale brewed in Martin breweries from the finest hops known to man or Martian. 
  • martingale: n. a strong gusting wind accompanied by summer storms, known to take sea-voyagers off route.



Although we appreciate their efforts, our friends aren’t on the right track. While the etymological history of the word martingale is not entirely clear or obvious, there are some pretty good attempts to explain where this word came from, and how it got into our barns.

This word is used in several other circles. Gamblers have been known to use this term when describing a certain type of game theory in which the gambler would double his bet after every loss. Sounds like a good way to blow a lot of cash in Vegas, huh? Another context in which this word has been used historically is in probability theory. Essentially, this word has been used to describe a process in that the knowledge of past events will in no way indicate the potential happenings of future events.

There is also a distinct possibility that this word was created to describe the residents of the Martigues (France) region, who were known for their banter and festivals. Another interesting related meaning comes from the term “martingale pants” which were pants with drop seats to make do your duty as a soldier easier, as Rebalais stated, “A drawbridge for the ass that makes excretion easier.” … Interesting.

And still more historical meanings for this word…

Martingale was historically used in France as a term for prostitution or women of low virtue. And finally, to describe a folk-dance, danced by shipmen and sailors in which one slaps the heel against the wooden boards of a ship to produce a loud tapping sound.

It’s hard to draw an etymology bridge for this word from origin to modern usage. It is fairly certain that the first time this word showed up in a dictionary accompanied by a definition explaining horse tack was as early as the Assyrian Empire. Needless to say, it’s been around for a minute. And as long as there are high-headed ponies and polo players, it’ll be around for a while longer.





Calling All Ponies: Pony Finals Week

In honor of pony finals week, we would love for you all to share your favorite photos and memories of your most beloved pony and/or most memorable pony finals experience. 

Please share with us! Wishing we were in Lexington this week to soak up all the pony cuteness (and human cuteness). Heres to ribbons, garters, and shadbellies! Let your ponies shine, kiddos. Darst005123.jpg

Meredith Darst and Elation. 2010 Small pony, champion. 

Beezie Madden is representing the United States as a member of the U.S. show jumping team at the London Olympic Games. In the opening round of competition, Beezie and her mount, Coral Reef Via Volo, suffered two refusals, eliminating them from individual competition. She put that round behind her yesterday for the first round of team competition,logging just one rail in that round. Madden has two team gold medals from the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games to her credit, along with individual bronze from the 2008 Olympic Games and team and individual silver from the 2006 World Equestrian Games.

On Teamwork: Beezie Madden

More Info on Tiffany Foster and FEI Ruling

Tiffany Foster and her horse (Canada) were unable to compete in the games due to a small  cut on her horses coronet band. The FEI indicated that this could be the result of an attempt to hypersensitize the horse.3828946453-london-olympic-games-day-9.jpg

Read more from one of our favorites here. This write up is full of GREAT information: http://hoofcare.blogspot.com/2012/08/canada-foster-hypersensitive-olympics.html