Horses :: Hipsters

Two worlds collide, horse people and hipsters mesh surprisingly well. Some of my riding friends are undoubtedly what pop-culture has labeled as “hipsters”. These beer-drinking, skinny jean-wearing, tattooed individuals are a very eccentric group, as are horse people.

For the sake of a good laugh, here are some ideas on what it looks like when horses meet hipsters. Its an entertaining mix of cultures, for sure.


Band of Horses


“The bike is the answer”

I think this new, “counter culture” group in our sport is kinda cool. I like that there is a group diverging from the preppy, money, status orientation of equestrian sports.

Keep on keepin’ on Hipsters! We salute you!

A horse which stops dead just before a jump and thus propels its rider into a graceful arc provides a splendid excuse for general merriment.

-Duke of Endinburgh

The Legend of Coakes and Stroller.

Marion Coakes was born the daughter of talented horseman Ralph Coakes. Ralph taught both of his sons and Marion to ride, and to ride well. Ralph purchased Stroller, a 14.2hh bay pony imported from Ireland with no expectations of jumping talent. Stroller quickly proved his capability in the show-ring. After Marion’s final year in the juniors as a 16 year old, her father suggested selling the pony. Marion begged for more time, and her father obliged.


By 18 years old, in 1965, Marion showed Stroller in the Hickstead Derby, indeed the sport’s pinnacle. Through out the next decade, Stroller would win many competitions, further proving his heart and scope.

Stroller was a wonder-horse, and Marion was a special soul for believing in his ability and sticking with the partnership.


Who am I as a rider? I think Lionel Richie put it best when speaking about himself as a musician, “… an egotistical maniac with a massive inferiority complex…